May Knitting Update

Seriously, it’s the end of May already? How did this happen? Last thing I remember I was feeling super productive with my March knitting update and suddenly two whole months have gone by! Now, I know you guys are around here for the yarn-y goodness, but let me give you a little life update before I dive in…

I’m writing this from the dreamy new sofa (in my favourite shade – grey, of course!) in our new flat. We moved out of our house on 12th May, so the weeks before that were full of organising, de-cluttering, packing, and seeing as many friends as possible before we shipped ourselves 230 miles north! We stayed with family for a week, but we’ve been settled into our new home for two weeks now, and things are really starting to come together.

I’ve been exploring the neighbourhood, and getting comfortable, and I’m picking up my knitting on the regular again, so I hope to be making some good progress. For now though, let me see if I can cast my mind back and fill in the blanks from March until now…

I definitely got a serious case of caston-itis before the move. I think something in my brain wanted to move my yarn in project form, rather than stash form, so I got my hustle on and started work on everything I could think of, but most of those projects are still on the needles today.

This striped sweater is going to be an absolute dream. As soon as I saw HappyLoveCo share the picture, I knew it was a match made in heaven for a dreamy yarn combination I’d had in my brain for a while, with no ideas to bring it to life. I’m loving the Cruella de Vil vibes I get from this Wool and the Gang pairing, and I can’t wait for my Kyla Pullover to be finished. Unfortunately, although I ordered the specified amount of yarn, I ran out of both colours half way through the first sleeve. I’ve finally ordered a couple more balls which I hope will see me though, and I know I’ll be knitting it furiously once they arrive!

Alongside this summery cotton knit, I also cast on a chunky sweater for winter. I’d had some of Lauren Aston‘s yarn in my stash since Christmas, and I finally got the inspiration to work on a cropped sweater with some gorgeous colour-block detailing. Again though, I didn’t have enough yarn and this also sits with just one sleeve part-finished. I hope this doesn’t become a trend!

Just before I finished packing up the house, I whipped up this chunky knitting basket with some Hoooked Zpagetti left over from some cushion covers I knit up last year. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with this yarn. Some of the balls I’ve had have been great to work with, soft with good elasticity. Others have been awful. Coarse, uneven and unyielding, which makes knitting with it super difficult and even sometimes painful from the effort of it all. It’s a shame really, because this basket has three very different textures, but when it’s in use you can’t really notice so it’s good enough to do it’s job.

The pre-move weeks were also taken up with pattern finalising. I’ve released both my Vanilla Socks Pattern, and my Roll Neck Vest Pattern in the past six weeks, and I’m really proud of them both. Getting my first garment pattern out there has been an incredible experience, and one that I’m eager to repeat.

I’ve got so many ideas for new garment patterns, from beginner knits, to ones with a little more technicality, and I’m desperate to work on them! I’ve cast on, and ordered extra yarn for, a beginner’s summer tee pattern, and I’m hoping to turn it around soon.

Other than that, I’ve been plodding along with my May socks for the #boxosoxkal, and while they’re nowhere near done as the month draws to a close, I’m happy to keep them as a small, ongoing project to work on when the mood strikes.

What have you been knitting the past couple of months?

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