October Knitting Update

October has been a really fun month for knitting, and, in fact, for life in general. I’ve had a few projects on the needles this month, and I’m excited to share my progress with you.

I started the month with only one project on my needles, and that was my Patons Odpins Dolman Sweater. I knit this from a mystery yarn my Mum had gifted for me, bought from a charity shop with no label, and I couldn’t be happier with the result. It’s gorgeously fluffy and cloudy in texture, and so warm that I know it will keep me cosy in this colder weather. Plus, it’s got an awful lot of sentimental value, which you can read about here. As I finished this sweater a little earlier in the month, I also had plenty time to cast on some other projects, which I’m really excited about!

I first cast on a secret project, which will have to remain under wraps until the festive season is over, but it was a quick knit, and made a great change to the long-term sweater and blanket knitting that I’ve been focused on of late. I absolutely loved knitting it, and I hope that shows!

After this quick knit, I couldn’t resist casting on something with the gorgeous hand dyed grey-dient yarn that my lovely friend Kate kindly gifted to me. I settled pretty quickly on the idea of knitting some socks, especially as my existing hand knit sock collection is somewhat lacking, but it took me a while to find a pattern. I’m seriously fussy when it comes to the things I knit, and socks are no different. The tiniest detail of a texture can turn me off a pattern, so it took some careful deliberation before I made my decision. In the end, I chose to use the Vestigial pattern from Hedgehog Fibres, and I’m glad that I did. I love the way it’s knitting up, and the yarn is seriously beautiful. I can’t wait to wear them!

This month, I also set aside my rule to only have one project on the needles at a time. I’ve had a couple of quick knits to work on, and I couldn’t ignore them while knitting my Vestigial socks. The first was a headband I designed for a fun upcoming project. I’m afraid I can’t share any more with you right now, but I hope to be able to soon!

The second was another pair of chunky slipper socks. I wanted to work on this design, and simplify it as much as possible while retaining the look and fit that I want from these socks. I think they turned out really well, so I’ll be writing up the pattern for my next round of releases in December.

Right at the end of this month, I’ve also cast on my Puffer cardigan. I’m so excited for this big, chunky, oversized cardigan and I just know that it’s going to be the perfect thing to wrap up in when I want to feel cosy! I knit the ribbing band while I was at knit club, and I’ve worked the row of increases, so I’m ready to get started on the pattern. I’m really interested to see how this knits up, because it’s a new technique for me. Obviously I’ve not done myself any favours by choosing a black yarn, but I know it’d fit best with my wardrobe. I’ll have to make sure I’ve got good light when I’m working on it so I don’t make any mistakes!

This month was also super exciting for another reason – I released my Dream Blanket knitting pattern, which now sits alongside the Woven Scarf and Textured Headband patterns. This was an absolute passion project, and I’m so excited that I’ve been able to share this blanket of dreams with the world! I can’t wait to see how other people knit theirs.

Looking back, it’s been a pretty productive month, this October, and I’m really pleased with all of my knitting progress! Next month I plan to finish my Vestigial socks and make some good progress on my Puffer cardigan, but we’ll see how things go!

What are you knitting right now? What are your go-to sock patterns? I need more inspiration if I’m going to achieve my sock box goals!

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