Improv Vest in Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim DK

I’ve been trying to set myself a rule with my knitting lately, which is to only buy yarn when I have a pattern in mind that I want to make. Like most rules along these lines, however, it didn’t hold up very well at all! A few weeks ago Sam and I went to visit his family in Leeds and, because they know me so well, they suggested we make a stop at Baa Ram Ewe, the most amazing independent yarn shop. Of course, I was super happy to oblige, and gladly spent some time perusing the shelves of yarn, kits, notions and patterns.

I was feeling pretty confident about sticking to my self-imposed rule for a while, that was until I spotted two stray balls of Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim DK tucked away near the back. I just couldn’t leave them behind! Immediately smitten with the variegated charcoal, I just had to have them even though I had no idea what they would turn out to be!

As we’re approaching Summer, and the weather here in the UK has definitely made a recent turn to warm and mostly sunny, I knew that I wanted to knit something I could wear right now. I’ve been totally obsessed with Janine’s insane collection of bralettes and crops, so I thought I’d work on a Summer vest pattern.

I started in the round with a few rows of K2P2 rib, before working in stocking stitch for the main part of the body. I wasn’t quite sure how to manage the decreases for the neckline, but I adjusted my calculations as I went, and I think it turned out pretty well!

My favourite part, which you may already be able to guess if you’ve been following me on Instagram, was the i-cord tie. I just can’t get over how awesome these i-cords are, and you can definitely expect to see many more of them from me!

I learned a couple of lessons along the way, like pay attention and don’t go onto autopilot, because I accidentally worked the top of the back in K1P1 rib instead of K2P2 like I’d planned. I only realised after I’d started working on straight needles for the front, having broken my circular on the last row! I also learned that, while a straight body worked well for a previous crop I’d knitted, it wasn’t quite fitted enough so it sits a little looser than I’d like around the body.

All-in-all though, it’s totally wearable, and an improvised design that I’m super proud of. Plus, it only used up one ball of yarn, so I still have the other to try something else new!

Have you ever used Cotton Denim? What did you make? I’m ready for some more inspiration!

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