Having two corners of the internet has turned out to be quite a paralysing thing. For some time I’ve kept my knitting and non-knitting lives clearly separate. Knits Please was only for my yarn-y endeavours, and my personal Instagram and blog for all the rest, but I’ve got so much to say and it’s too much to try and manage it all in multiple places. So I’m giving myself a break, and I’m pulling it all together.
I’m not entirely sure quite how it will work, but, simply put, Knits Please is about to become so much more than just knitting.
I love to write, and have been blogging in some way or another for the best part of a decade. I’ve gone through plenty of iterations in that time, but there are general themes of wellbeing and creativity that have stuck with me throughout. Reading back on my old blog posts, I’m always struck by just how much I’m struck by what I’ve written. I’m looking back on a strong, thoughtful, eloquent woman and I want more of that for myself. So in consolidating, I’m expanding.
Beyond the usual knitting I share, you can expect reflections and planning and personal growth. I hope to share more DIYs and tutorials from my crafty endeavours, and I’m keen to be more vocal about the things I believe in, so it might get political. I’m flexing my muscles, in my fingertips and my mind, and I’m so excited for what’s to come.
Beyond these words written here there isn’t a plan, so I’m not really sure what to expect. I feel pretty confident posting a non-knitting blog, but the idea of shaking up the Knits Please Instagram feed is feeling a little uneasy. I’m not sure why, but when you’ve spent over 2 years posting solely about yarn, it seems like a huge step to do anything else.
But it’s important to me, and something’s got to give.
I hope you’ll enjoy seeing things a little different from me, and I’d be really grateful if you’d tell me what you think – what would you like to see?