Last week, I absolutely loved reading Sophie’s post about what she’d share if she were on a coffee date (inspired by Chelsea’s post of the same nature) and it made me want to write one of my own. While I moved to Leeds a year ago, and I’ve gratefully spent a lot of time with family since I did, I’ve not really made any proper friends and coffee dates aren’t something that sit regularly in my social calendar any more. Which is a shame because I really love a natter, especially when accompanied by a hot beverage and a slice of cake. So, in the spirit of sharing, here’s what I’d tell you over the table…
That I’m feeling really positive right now
I feel like I’ve been through a lot of personal development this year, and that I’ve come to be in a really positive place. I’ve learned so much about myself, and how to identify those things within me that tell me when it’s not quite right. Now, I can see those things, listen to them, and make changes, and that all allows me to reach more contentment, satisfaction and happiness. I feel like I’m moving in the direction that I want to be moving, but also that I have so much right now that brings me joy. I feel like I’m in a great groove of taking small steps forward to progress, and that things are happening so much more consistently than they have before. I’m happy. And I’m happy that I’m happy!
That I’m also very tired!
The past couple of weeks have really caught up with me, and I’ve been pretty knocked down, physically. Throughout most of last week I just felt so tired. I knew that a lot of busy weekends and a demanding work schedule were taking their toll, and I’m so grateful that I was able to recognise that. It’s OK that I’m tired, and it’s OK to make addressing that a priority. Thankfully, or perhaps typically, this culminated at a Bank Holiday weekend, so I’ve got an extra day to give myself some time to rest up and help myself to re-calibrate back to my normal energy levels. I don’t expect everything to abate overnight, and for my energy levels to skyrocket, but in taking time to slow down and rest up, I know I’m giving myself a chance at recovery.
That I’m taking exercise seriously for the first time in my life
This year I vowed that I would address the problem that has given me pain in my knee since early 2015, and I’m staying true to that promise. I’ve visited a physiotherapist, who has helped to identify the cause of the pain and has given me the tools to get to the solution of easing it up. It’s not going to be an easy road, but I’m ready for it. The truth is, I don’t think I would have been ready for it any earlier. In the past I’ve had a lacklustre relationship with exercise which has seen me go all in for a few weeks and all out for months, and I don’t think I would have had the motivation or commitment to see the hard work through. Now though, I’m craving regular exercise. I’m so excited to get my body moving, to feel stronger and energised, and I’m really committed to taking it seriously. I’m currently doing physio exercises every other day, and in between I’m fitting some HasFit videos. Going forward I’m hoping to get out hiking in the Yorkshire countryside and try my hand at a few exercise classes, and I honestly can’t wait to work out what I love.
That I’m sorry for cursing the weather
When the Easter Bank Holiday weekend hit, the temperatures soared, the sun shone and I vowed to fulfil on the threat that I’d made every year since I stopped wearing contact lenses – to buy prescription sunglasses. As soon as the weekend was over, I did exactly that, and ever since the weather has been a bust. I’m sorry, these chilly temperatures, grey days and rain storms might just be my fault!
That I want to buy a house, but I’ve no idea how to do it
I’ve never really been one for having a five year plan, but for the past few years Sam and I have been working towards buying a house. We’ve been saving up for a deposit, and now that we’re nearly there it’s time to start putting the wheels into motion. The thing that’s holding me back though, is that I’ve got no idea where to start! I’m hopeful that we’ll get a place by the end of the year, but in order to do that I know that we need to start taking it more seriously. So my plan is to read as much as I can, seek advice from friends and family who have already been through the process, and trust that, if millions of other people can do it, so can we!
That I’m planning a trip to New York next year
Last year we visited America to attend the wedding of one of Sam’s closest friends. While there we took a whistle stop tour of New York, but felt like there was so much more that we wished we could see. Instead of spending the next months, or even years, talking about how much we want to go back, we were more decisive that we ever have been and just made it a firm plan. We’re not entirely sure on the dates, but we expect to go some time in April 2020.
That I’m feeling grateful for the everyday
After transforming my mindset over the past couple of months, I’ve been so aware of how grateful I am for the everyday things in life. I love that I can spend a few minutes in the park across from work every morning, reading my book or writing something for myself, before I start my day. I’m grateful for cups of tea and long conversations on Sunday mornings, putting the world to rights. I’m grateful for common ground with friends and co-workers, so we can encourage each other on our missions to do better by the environment or grow our own veg. I’m so happy about the pockets of time that my regular physio has opened up, that I’m filling with interesting podcasts. I’m taking time to appreciate the fresh air, the energy that comes with city life, and the times when I can shut off from the outside world and find peace within. There are so many good things that happen every day, and I’m grateful for them all.
What would you tell me if we were on a coffee date?