Ending up with leftover yarn is an inevitability with knitting. I often find myself with an extra ball from bigger projects, and lots of smaller bits too. Sometimes it sits around for ages until I find just the right thing to do with it, but there are a few patterns that I love, and think make the perfect go-to for those extras that you’re ready to knit up and use. These patterns are great when you’ve got a good chunk of yarn left over, but I also think they’d all work up pretty well in a stripe, too, if you’re got a bunch of odds and ends of the same weight.
Jojô’s Scrunchie by Paula Leme
I am an absolute scrunchie convert. I’m forever piling my hair up and these days I much prefer the softness of a scrunchie to a thin hair elastic. This pattern is a favourite, and one I’ll definitely be knitting again.

San Agústin facecloth by Chain Twenty
I first knit this pattern years ago and it’s been a staple in my face-care routine ever since. Definitely a favourite for any leftover cotton.

Raspberry Headband by Hanna Lübben
I whipped this one up in preparation for the colder weather, and it’s absolutely perfect for keeping my ears warm when out walking in the biting wind.

And as a bonus, if you’d like to sign up to my newsletter you will receive a free knitting pattern for a simple washcloth and make-up wipes. I actually use these for dishcloths, too, and they’re a perfect way of using up leftover cotton yarn.
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